60 Fascinating Intel Statistics [2024 Updated Figures]

60 Fascinating Intel Statistics [2024 Updated Figures]

Intel is a well-known semiconductor industry name. The company knows the importance of high-quality chips at a reasonable price. Intel always assures consumers. The tech giant is relentlessly committed to advancing technology. Their vision and hard work brought in a staggering $63 billion in revenue in 2022. Reaching such heights is remarkable. This is especially so with rivals like AMD competing for market share, which currently has 31% of the segment.

But here are the facts. Intel is still the semiconductor leader. The company stays dominant in the industry through smart marketing. It also dedicates itself to improving iconic computer chips. They engineer pioneering processors. Many know that. Processors do more than just operate devices. They undoubtedly propel innovation across the globe.

Many people are curious about the elements that drive Intel’s lasting success. A wealth of clear data is ready for review. One can study the key breakthroughs. Having calculated their moves, they left the stumbles behind. They shaped Intel’s story. This elevates them to an enduring player that withstands time. This Intel statistics and facts write-up unpacks the narrative behind this worldwide semiconductor force and promises valuable insights. So, get yourself your favorite snack. Let’s unravel the key factors that put Intel at the top of chip engineering.

Major Intel Statistics

  1. Intel’s journey began with two young men, Robert Noyce, and his cofounder Gordon Moore, in 1968. 
  2. Intel has its headquarters in the city of Santa Clara, California.
  3. The company was once called NM Electronics before it was changed to Intel 
  4. Moore Noyse came to mind while thinking of a suitable name, but this was soon put aside as it sounded more like saying Moor Noise.
  5. The name NM Electronics was pushed aside for Intel just a few days after it was put to use. 
  6. Robert Swan serves as the CEO of Intel.
  7. Intel paid $15,000 to get its name. 
  8. Printing a single transistor costs far less than a single printed newspaper character. 
  9. Intel has been able to get to the status of the 14th most valued trademark worldwide. 
  10. It is one of the businesses that will be taking part in funding the 2024 Olympic Games.

Intel is making more waves in the single-core processors market than any other company. It is way better than AMD when it comes to multi-core CPU systems

2. Samsung had All Course to Celebrate When it Sold Out Far More Semiconductors Between 2017 and the End of 2018.

Samsung led the semiconductor market in first place with a revenue of $61,158 million and, after that, had $73,649 million at the end of 2018. Intel was a bit down in revenue in 2017, with a total of $58,725 million, and closed with $66,290 million the next year

3. Intel Fared Far Better Than Samsung in Semiconductor Sales at the Close of 2020.

The year 2020 was different for Intel regarding the number of semiconductor sales, as it sold more chips than Samsung. This success could be tied to the large volume of memory chips sent to the market. Sales ended with $76,240 million for Intel at the close of 2020. This was not the case for the former industry leader, Samsung, which ended the year in second place with 56,912.

4. Intel Yields Far More Revenue Than AMD or the Tech Firm Nvidia.

There is a clear difference between Intel’s revenue and AMD’s and Nvidia’s tech firms. Only 17% of the industry market share is held by AMD, as Intel has claimed 82%. Intel is doing way better with $54 billion in LTM revenue, leaving Nvidia at $26 billion.

5. Over the Years, Intel has Gathered Around 77% of the Consumer Computing Market.

It’s not wrong to say that Intel controls the consumer computing sector since it has about a 77% stake in the market.

Intel Diversity and Employee Statistics

6. Workers Totaling 132,000 are on Intel Company’s Payroll.

Having workers to cover its vast customers has never been an issue for the tech giant. In 2022, the company decided to employ more hands to ensure the smooth running of its affairs. It had 132,000 workers on its monthly payroll at the year’s close. This means the number of people working in Intel rose by 8.92%. 

7. Women Also Have a Spot in the Affairs of Intel and Occupy 27.7% of the Company’s Staff Strength.

Intel embraces people from all races and genders. To its credit, 27.7% of its staff will be females in 2021. This marked a 0.1% drop in the number it had in 2022. These women get an equal chance to work up the career ladder at the corporation

8. Asian Women Got a Working Chance of 36.3% in 2021.

The rate at which Asians were given work opportunities at Intel in 2021 was quite low from the last year by 1.3%. Only 36.3% of the employees at Intel in 2021 were Asians.

9. Native Americans Have a Cut of 0.8% of the Total Intel Workers.

Persons who are Native Americans make up a minor 0.8% of the total workforce of Intel

10. Male Workers Make Up the Largest Chunk of the Workforce in Intel, With 73%.

Most of the workers in Intel are males, accounting for 73% of the workforce. These men take up most of the positions in Intel company, like several others in the industry. It is necessary to state that many of these males are white, accounting for as many as 52% of the total employees at Intel.

11. Setting up an Office With a Cubicle Design Started With Intel.

Intel was the first company to start designing office settings in the form of a nice cubicle. Many other companies are now towing this same part in their office settings today

12. Intel Stopped Designing its Offices With the Booth Style in 2007.

The company in 2007 saw the need to change its style of office design in the year 2007. It always looks for better ways to improve services and products.

13. Costa Rica was Able to Add 4.6% to its GDP Due to the Activities of the Intel Group.

The company has a nice spot in Costa Rica’s economy. The country’s economy is profiting in no small way from Intel’s activities in its territory. As high as 4.9% of the total GDP that came within the shores of Costa Rica was from Intel

14. Most of the Intel Staff Favor the Democrats.

Quite a large number of Intel staff said they are of the democratic party. Staff like Curtis Engelhard have given the democratic party large sums of money, up to $111,700. Employees who take sides with the democratic party are as high as 75%. This shouldn’t surprise you; most people will go with the tide any day. Those who do not favor the democratic party are just a slice of 23.9% of workers at Intel. 

15. You Can Earn an Average of $99,300 and Even More as an Employee of Intel.

Most of the workers at Intel love their jobs. Employees working at Intel are placed on an average salary scale of about $99,300. A cleaner at Intel takes home between $44,720 and just around $57,819 for an entire year. As many as 73% of employees at Intel are pleased to a large degree with the work conditions. 

16. Up to 47% of Intel Employees are From a Minority Race.

Intel is doing all it can to build a work environment that takes in talented persons from any race or tongue. This new move is why it has included 47% of minority races on its payroll

17. Most of the Employees at Intel Can Speak Spanish Very Well.

Itel has hired quite a good number of people from different regions. A large number of workers in Intel fluently speak Spanish

18. Chinese is the Means of Communication for 10% of People.

Communicating with the Chinese language is a daily routine for 10% of people who work at Intel. This shows that language is not a reason not to apply for a job at Intel

19. Over 50% of Intel Employees Must Have a Bachelor’s Degree.

Higher education got more than half of Intel employees their jobs at the company. A bachelor’s degree is held by 60% of people who are working in Intel

20. Persons Between the Ages of 20 to 30 Years Make Up 39% of Intel’s Workforce.

Up to 39% of young people between 20 and 30 are part of the workforce that drives Intel. From the statistics, one may infer that Intel believes young ones can contribute immensely to its progress. This age group has the largest number among all the employees at Intel

21. Individuals Above 40 Make up Just 20% of Employees.

Persons who are over 40 years of age make up just a low 20% of Intel staff strength. 

22. As Low as 2% of Intel Workers Fall on 18 Years and Below.

Only 2% of the staff at Intel are 18 years of age and below.

23. It is One of the Most Common Courses, With 29% of Intel Workers in Electrical Engineering.

Persons with electrical engineering degrees comprise just 29% of Intel’s staff strength. Many people who work at Intel hold a degree in electrical engineering.

24. Up to 14% of Persons Working at Intel Group Schooled at the University of Arizona.

Quite a sizeable number of Intel staff, up to 14%, once studied at the University of Arizona. 

25. A Master’s Degree is Tied to the Names of 16% of Intel Employees.

Intel strives for excellence and seeks the best hands for the job. Little wonder that 16% of its employees have master’s degrees in their chosen field of study. 

26. One in Every Five Employees is More Than 40 Years of Age in Intel.

Taking note of talents and retaining them has brought Intel into its present state of success in the industry. People 40 years and above are just a fifth of the total staff on its payroll

27. One Out of Every 50 Intel Employees is 18 or Below.

People 18 make up just a small portion of Intel’s staff strength. You can only find one person who is 18 years or less in a row in a call of 50 Intel employees. 

28. Only 9% of Intel Workers Work Outside the Office. 

Working from home or any desired location is the dream of so many, but this chance is given to just 9% of Intel staff.

Intel User Statistics

29. You Cannot Deal Directly With Intel Company Alone as a User.

Intel is not in the habit of conducting business dealings openly with the users. 

30. Some Firms in the Technology Industry Have Partnership Deals with Intel.

Intel has to its credit great firms moving the technology industry as its partners. Examples of these firms are Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

31. In the Hardware Gaming Market, Over 75% of its Systems are Serviced by Intel.

Intel has risen to become a household name in the world of hardware gaming. It services more than 75% of hard wares in the gaming market with its processing units

32. Intel Ensures it Sets Aside $15 Billion for Research Work Annually.

Research work is very dear to Intel as a corporation. Every year, it puts aside up to $15 billion for research and product development.

33. It Got the MobileEye With a Tidy Sum of $15.3 Million.

Intel spent a whole $15.3 million in acquiring the MobileEye. 

34. Products That Intel Makes are Used for Both Personal and Corporate Uses.

Intel is well known for offering services that can also serve personal and corporate uses.

Intel Sales Statistics

35. Intel’s Largest Sales Market has Been China From as Far Back as 2016.

The spot of highest sales market has been taken by China year after year since 2016. This has put the country in the spotlight of revenue for Intel. Intel got $17.125 billion from just China out of its $63.054 billion revenue in 2022.

36. The United States Stands as the Third-biggest Intel Sales Market.

Intel’s sales have been faring well in the United States market for a while. 

37. Intel Landed With an Earning of Just $2,672 in its First Trading Year.

The first trading year was quite eventful for Intel, ending at $2,672. This amount was valued at $51,000 at the close of 2022.

38. Trades From Consumer Products Comprise 52% of Intel’s Grand Sales.

Consumer products make up over 50% of the entire sales record of the famous Intel company. 

39. Up to 42% of the Profit Made by Intel Comes From the Countries of Taiwan and China.

Taiwan and China bring in nearly 50% (42%) of the company’s profit. This is not far from the truth, as the Asian continent has a large market for Intel to soar.

Intel Revenue Statistics

40. Intel Gathered $52.86 Billion for Itself in September 2023.

Revenue from last year September to that of 2023 was not in any way great. The company experienced a drop in revenue of 23.98% from what it had in the past. In September, which marked Q3 2023, Intel got a revenue of $14.16 billion. This was not a good note for the company as it marked a fall of 7.69%. 

41. The Year 2021 Decorated Intel’s Purse With Revenue Totaling $79.02 Billion.

Intel closed on a good note in 2021, recording a revenue of $79.02 billion. This was a great report for the company as its growth rose 1.49%

42. 2020 Was no Different as Intel Soared Higher, Recording a Revenue Increase of 8.20%.

Expectations were high, and the company tried to deliver a rise in revenue of 8.20% from the previous year. As a result, Intel ended 2020 with a revenue of $77.87 billion.

43. Intel Got $71.97 Billion in Revenue When the 2019 Curtain Ended.

The year 2019 was a great year for Intel, as it did not bow to a loss in revenue. Instead, the company revenue rose to $71.97 billion, a growth of 1.58% when the year ended.

Statistics on Intel Stock Price

44. The Stock Market Opened its Arms for All to Trade on the Last Day of November, With Intel Stock Selling at 44.65 USD.

The last day of November 2023 was eventful, as Intel had a market cap of 188.56 billion. The market opened that same day with a stock price of $44.65 to be brought to a close at $44.70.

45. Intel Stocks Rose by Just 6% All Through the Entire Year 2019.

Stocks did not do so well; they grew by just 6% at the end of 2019. This was not the same with AMD, which had up to 86% increase in its stock the same year.

More Intel Statistics

46. The company started up Intel Capital in 1991 and began its journey of investing $11.8 billion in newbie businesses. 

47. More than 1,400 startup firms have benefited from Intel Capital after it was launched.

48. Up to 57 countries so far have gained from the goodwill of Intel Capital over these years.

49. About 50% of business funding by Intel Capital goes to firms outside the United States

50. A third of Intel’s budget in 2020 was spent on adverts for its products and services, just like in 2005.

51. Intel went all out to get McAfee for a tidy sum of $7.68 billion in 2010. 

52. Intel’s energy usage has risen by 50% for up to five years.

53. Discharges of greenhouse gases have risen in no small way, as they stood at 34% for five years

54. A maker of watches was bought out in 1972, but this did not last for long, as the business was sold in 1978.

55. Intel has a fully stocked museum where you can pay visits any time of leisure

56. More than 90,000 people flock to the Intel museum yearly. 

57. The company has taken into its fold 27 firms since it started operating. 

58. Intel paid $1.25 billion to stop a lawsuit filed against it by AMD in 2009. 

59. One thing that anyone can easily recognize is the Intel sound. 

60. European courts made Intel pay a large amount of money, summing to $1.3 billion, for a case on antitrust.


Refining talents is one strong point that makes the Intel corporation a great place to work for anyone. There are a whole lot of reports from past and present staff that attest to this fact. Intel’s name is written in the sands of time for its impact on the semiconductor chips industry. It has risen over the years to take a large spot in the computing community. The facts are clear with the records that Intel always seeks ways to keep customers returning. Taking charge of the market can be linked to the research it puts in every year.

This chip giant has to its belt of success some companies that partner with it at the passing of each year. Countries like Costa Rica have every reason to thank Intel for the good turnout of its GDP in recent years. Revenue keeps growing for Intel year after year, with its tentacles spreading in several countries. More and more companies are getting funds to continue through Intel Capital, which may not end soon.


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