5 Reasons Why Stellar Blade Could Be the Next Essential Exclusive

5 Reasons Why Stellar Blade Could Be the Next Essential Exclusive

Reasons Why You Need to Pay Attention to Stellar Blade

The slick, action-packed adventure is right around the corner. With its intense combat and alluring protagonist, the anticipation for Sony’s next exclusive is at an all-time high. Still on the fence? Here are five compelling reasons why Stellar Blade might just become your next must-play release.

1 – Incredible Influences

The creator, Kim Hyung-tae, has been open about his influences on the neo-futuristic epic. Instantly, comparisons were made with Yoko Taro’s Nier series due to the similar aesthetics and gameplay. While Kim confirmed the influence of the game’s design, he also went into detail about the number of other inspirations that have helped him craft the experience. Titles such as Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and Bayonetta have played a part in the development and this has helped him capture the fast and frenetic combat associated with the genre. If Stellar Blade can echo the action that imbues these legendary releases then this could be truly special.

2 – Calculated Combat

Mediocre combat is not enough in the hack-and-slash genre. To truly shine, a game needs to ensure that there are layers to encounters, options to vary your offense, and systems that make it unique. While we won’t get confirmation until going hands-on, the details about battles suggest that it has everything you need. Eve can perform quick basic attacks that allow you to deliver stylish combos. In addition, you can also link in Beta attacks, which are stronger attacks that charge during fights. Boost abilities become available after successful counters and evasions which encourage you to stay up close and personal. However, you can also step back and deal damage from afar with guns too. The combination of these elements is truly tantalizing and could breathe new life into the hack-and-slash genre.

3 – Slick Setting

The blue-tinted, metallic world looks incredible. With clear influences from 80s and 90s Manga with a dash of Blade Runner thrown into the mix, Stellar Blade is shaping up to be an absolute stunner. Aside from the particle effects and wonderful character designs, there seems to be an interesting semi-open world at play too. We will have to wait for its full release to see the structure of the game, however, the mix of Eastern and Western design that permeates Stellar Blade could provide the perfect slice of action.

4 – Engrossing Epic

Although the combat looks like a blast, the narrative is also intriguing. When Eve and her team land on an extinct Earth, they discover something they never expected. A forgotten civilization that has been surviving without aims to return Earth to the glorious place it once was. Eve must now work with members of Xion to rebuild the city. While not particularly original the fact that it includes a heavy focus on the plot and has decisions that impact the story is intriguing.

5 – Developer Debut

Being the South Korean developer’s first Triple-A game, there is an air of mystery around it. With only the odd mobile game sporting the Shift Up name, we don’t know what to expect. However, as this is a Sony exclusive and the Japanese giants are marketing the crap out of it, surely they must believe in the project. Refreshingly, the devs are really open about the game which has built excitement. With Eve already lighting fires as a protagonist, this has the potential to not only be an essential purchase but also the birth of a new franchise.

Well, if you can’t tell by now, I’m hyped for Stellar Blade. The combat looks to take elements from titans of the genre to create an enthralling system that looks to be both fun and challenging. In terms of design, the world, characters, and visuals all hit that sweet spot which could help the game soar above others. It could be the next essential exclusive but we will need to wait until April 26th to find out. What are your thoughts? Is this what you expected from Sony? Will it be a game-changer or a forgettable venture? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook or Twitter, and don’t forget to subscribe to us on YouTube for more great video game content.

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