1,000 Israelis cry out to God in song ‘Bring Them Home’

1,000 Israelis cry out to God in song ‘Bring Them Home’

One thousand Israeli musicians and singers gathered at the ancient Caesarea Amphitheater and sang ‘Bring Them Home’ as a song of prayer to God to bring home the Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza. The event took place on Dec. 18, 2023 and was produced by Talya Yarom.

Amazingly, there were a lot of similarities between the ‘Homeland Concert’ and a typical Christian worship concert with hands lifted up and hearts poured out in song.

An emotional peak of the ‘Homeland Concert’ was when the families of the hostages entered the amphitheater at minute 2:23 in the video. The families are wearing shirts with pictures of their loved ones held in captivity.

When the hostages’ families are entering, the melody subtly changes to the Israeli national anthem ‘HaTikva,’ meaning ‘The Hope,’ and then returns back to families together with the 1,000 musicians crying out “HaBayita.” The song “HaBayita” which means “Home” or “Bring Them Home” was written by Ehud Manor in the 1980’s.

Families of the hostages entering the Caesarea Amphitheater during the song ‘Bring Them Home’

As you watch this emotionally moving video, join in song and prayer to God, together with the 1,000 Israelis, to bring the hostages home and “to proclaim freedom for the captives” (Isaiah 61:1).

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1)

Here are the lyrics to ‘Bring Them Home’:

Another Hour has passed

Another Hour of madness

The weeds have grown in the path and garden

The wind sighed

Opening the shutter

Banging the old wall

As if calling

Home, Home

It’s time to return

From hills and foreign fields

The day is fading and there’s no sign

Home, Home

Before the light is dimmed

Cold nights, bitter nights

Closing in

Until the dawn, I pray for you

Bound in the grip of fear

I hear steps

Home, Home

Because it hasn’t yet been given

As was promised long ago

All of the participating musicians were volunteers representing a wide spectrum of amateur and professional artists, both young and old.

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