(Paramount Plus) Knuckles, a spin-off series of the Japanese media franchise Sonic the Hedgehog, set a new streaming record after its debut on Paramount+. The six-episode series shattered previous streaming….
It debuted on Paramount+ today by Liam Doolan 12h ago Image: Paramount Paramount’s brand-new Knuckles series introduced today and although this six-part experience is simply getting underway, it appears a….
This piece contains spoilers for Knuckles on Paramount+! If I were to tell you one of the funniest shows of the year was a spinoff of a video game adaptation….
Paramount and SEGA are expanding their ‘Cinematic World of Sonic the Hedgehog’ with Knuckles, a six-episode event series starring Idris Elba as Sonic’s eponymous rival-turned-ally. IGN’s Knuckles review called it….
Paramount+ Ahead of the show’s release on Friday, the reviews are in for the Paramount+ “Sonic the Hedgehog” TV spin-off series “Knuckles”. All six half-hour episodes will make their debut….
Why You Can Trust CNET Our expert, award-winning staff selects the products we cover and rigorously researches and tests our top picks. If you buy through our links, we may….
Image: Paramount I had a lot of expectations for the Knuckles live-action mini-series that, it turns out, might have been a bit too lofty. But I don’t think the expectation….
It’s a good thing Knuckles, the six-episode Paramount+ mini-series is coming out during a fever pitch of hype for Sonic the Hedgehog 3. The series debuts on the streaming service….
Paramount+ John Cleese: Cancel Me It appears like John Cleese’s proposed docuseries about cancel culture, entitled “John Cleese: Cancel Me,” is not likely to move forward on Channel 4 in….
That’s a lot of Knuckles! Ahead of the launch of the live-action Knuckles television series next month on Paramount’s streaming service, the show’s episode runtime has reportedly been revealed. As….