Report: Video Shows What Member of Nancy Pelosi’s Security Detail Said About J6 Can’t Be True

Report: Video Shows What Member of Nancy Pelosi’s Security Detail Said About J6 Can’t Be True

The Blaze has done a remarkable investigative report about what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 

They thank House Speaker Mike Johnson for giving them permission to now release the video, and what they are reporting is astonishing. 

They allege Capitol CCTV footage blows up the story told by a member of Nancy Pelosi’s security detail — Special Agent David Lazarus. Lazarus gave testimony corroborating another Capitol police officer’s account, claiming that he had an antagonistic encounter with the Oath Keepers. But The Blaze report says what Lazarus claimed couldn’t possibly be true.

Steve Baker, the investigative reporter on the story, walks through the timeline of events and alleges that Lazarus was elsewhere at the time of the purported incident, not at the site of the incident when it purportedly happened. They point out other conflicts in the testimony as well as to who saw what when. 

This is truly wild and very disturbing. 


– Thanks to new House Speaker Mike Johnson, We now have permission to release Capitol CCTV footage proving that a member of Nancy Pelosi’s security detail, Special Agent David Lazarus, perjured himself on the stand during the Oath Keepers trial.…

— TheBlaze (@theblaze) January 15, 2024

They note that the media just ran the story without question. The Oath Keepers, who said they had stood in a line between more aggressive people and Officer Harry Dunn to help him, were given long prison sentences

Here’s how the Huffington Post reported the story, for example. 

The group has claimed as part of their defense that they assisted Dunn in warding off the attack and were at the Capitol to act as additional security. But another officer, David Lazarus, also testified that wasn’t the case.

Lazarus, a special agent and a member of Pelosi’s protection detail, recalled seeing the Oath Keepers, who wore tactical gear, hassling Dunn as he held them off.

“It was very antagonistic dialogue between the folks in [tactical] gear — the rioters — and Dunn,” he testified.

One of the most troubling parts of the story? These videos were kept from the public, so the defense didn’t have access to them to help defend their clients, according to The Blaze. Baker told me he had confirmed this with the defense. If that’s true, that’s a huge problem. They obviously should have been given access, they had a legal right to the footage. Indeed all the video should have been released long ago, and then that would settle the questions. But perhaps that’s why we haven’t seen all the video yet, because indeed it would reveal things. 

It’s going to be fascinating to see what they say in response to this report, which appears to break it all down, minute by minute. We have Joe Biden daring to talk about threats to democracy as Democrats try to ban Biden’s political opponent from the ballot. If you can’t get equal justice under the law, where does that leave our Constitutional Republic? And as Baker also notes, if this is true, then what else are they not telling the truth about? 


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