“John Lydon once made a stab at poaching Flea for Public Image. At which point Flea keeled over and passed out”: Anthony Kiedis takes a nostalgic look back at Flea’s finest hour from Blood Sugar Sex Magik

“John Lydon once made a stab at poaching Flea for Public Image. At which point Flea keeled over and passed out”: Anthony Kiedis takes a nostalgic look back at Flea’s finest hour from Blood Sugar Sex Magik

“We strive,” composed Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Michael ‘Flea’ Balzary in the liner notes of 2004’s Biggest Hits album– a world far from the club-level act that atrioventricular bundle had actually been 20 years before. That effort has actually led him to the position of Best Bassist in several Bass Player surveys although, as he informs us, he’s no place near being the bassist that he truly wishes to be.

An Australian who transferred to California as a kid and withstood a hard youth which you can check out everything about in his 2019 autobiography Acid For The ChildrenFlea– so nicknamed for his practice of jumping about on phase, like you didn’t understand that currently– is most likely his market’s most noticeable bass gamer. He won his classification in Bass Player’s 100 biggest bassists survey by a substantial margin, showing that a number of you reading this would concur with that evaluation.

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